Monday Funday: You're Invited To A Teeny, Tiny Tea Party!

teeny tiny tea partyA teeny, tiny tea party is a really fun way to merge pretend play with food play. When we make anything smaller it's less overwhelming and when we add silly language and delicious foods we have a fun, pretend play activity where kids can learn about new foods and drinks with lots of opportunities for tasting and no stress or pressure to eat.You can make cups and saucers out of whatever you have in the fridge. I've always thought raspberries look like little cups, but you could make them out of apple or orange peels, really anything that remotely curves and can hold a drop or two of liquid. Saucers could be crackers or bread or anything you can cut or tear into a kind-of circle.By using a little dropper as your 'teapot' you can explore just one drop of liquid at a time. Plus, a dropper is fun to use, so it makes the serving extra fun even if you're not exploring a new liquid and are using plain water as your 'tea.' If you are exploring a new liquid it's a way to keep quantities small and less overwhelming and can also help keep the mess of exploring a liquid less overwhelming!You could add a song to your play like "I'm a little teapot," make up your own words to a familiar tune or play your child's favorite 'party' music to add to the fun!Cheers! Happy food play! 


Senses Series: Sight--What We See On Our Plate


Senses Series: Proprioception And Kinesthesia--How We Do What We Want!