Monday Funday: Play A Fun Food Game Today!

orange peel ring toss gameOne more fun way to play with peels and food scraps is to make up a game. Above, I used the leftover stubs/spikes from spiralizing zucchini and made up a ring toss game with orange peels cut into rings with circle cookie cutters.     You can make up endless variations on this idea to fit whatever foods you have around the kitchen or foods you want to introduce. You could use pretzel sticks or thick carrot sticks stuck into peanut butter (maybe in an ice cube tray to help them stand up) as your posts. You could use different peels, fruits, veggies, fruit leather etc. for your pieces and make the game about color/food sorting. Or use different shape cookie cutters to turn your pieces into fun shapes and make the game into a shape sorting game.Then when you're done with your game, use the pieces to make a picture or design like we did last week.However you choose to play, I hope you have fun and keep it positive. This way you're sure to be creating positive memories and associations with food that will carry over into your next meal, snack or food play session.Happy food play!


Senses Series: Proprioception And Kinesthesia--How We Do What We Want!


Happy New Year Full Of Peace, Love, Joy And Adventure!