Peas Can Be... Anything!

green peas and dried cranberriesMake a fish, an aquarium, a car, a road. Create a free-form picture or design or use cookie cutters to make pea shapes (I love these for little hands). Have fun and get creative!Language and Senses:Talk about how peas look (green, smooth, wrinkly), how they feel (soft, mushy, wet), what you can do with them (roll them, pile them up, pop them) as you play. When your child knows how to talk about a food they're not sure about or 'don't like,' they're much more likely to try a taste. Have fun and keep it positive. If you act like peas are the coolest thing ever, you child will most likely want to act like peas are the coolest thing ever, too!Variations:Substitute blueberries, small chunks of other fruits and veggies, dried fruits, nuts. Be sure your child has the oral motor, chewing and swallowing skills needed for the foods you choose.Enjoy! Happy food-play!!


Rainy Day Food Play


Broccoli Forest