Happy New Year Full Of Peace, Love, Joy And Adventure!

peace love joy and adventure food artThank you all for being part of such a great year! 2015, for me, has been a year of deep listening and learning. Last January I had just started Learn To Love Food and had no idea what it would become. I just knew I was excited to create and share the ideas in my head with families I've worked with as well as a larger community. I felt a deep sense of purpose creating each post and, tentatively at first, followed that joy.A year later, I marvel at the community that has gathered around this blog and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you who reads my posts, likes my pictures and shares your family's struggles and triumphs. It's because of you I'm so excited to create fun, new activities and share feeding tips each week. Thank you for your engagement, your encouragement, your questions and suggestions!  There are also some exciting creative opportunities in the works for Learn To Love Food in 2016 and I'll be sure to keep you posted!!This past year, for me, has also been full of the joy of reuniting with life-long friends as well the return to family, friends, sunshine, roots and community in Austin, TX. I am so excited to be able to offer my services in Austin again and reconnect with families, clients and the greater Austin community through therapy, education and yoga.I could not be more thankful for my life as it is with all that is comfortable and beautiful and all I have yet to learn!Wishing you peace, joy, love and adventure in 2016!...and happy food play! :)Love, love, love,Kim 


Monday Funday: Play A Fun Food Game Today!


Monday Funday: 3 Fun Ways To Play With Peels!